Quality Music Education for Teachers and Students
Guidelines for Teachers Assisting at
FLMF Student Recitals
Students may test the piano with scales or a section of their piece, only if there is extra time after the RCC Staff has finished marking bench placements for each student. (Students must arrive 1 hour prior to the recital for bench placement). If teachers would like to be present for students testing the piano, they must arrive at least 30 minutes prior.
Teachers Assisting at the Door
1. Arrive at the theater 20 minutes prior to the recital time.
2. Hand out programs at the door.
3. Tell the performers to find their seats in the rows closest to the stage. Programs
with students’ names marked on the covers will be placed on designated seats.
Performers will be seated in the order in which they perform.
4. Close doors when recital is about to begin.
5. Prevent walking around or entering the room while a performance is in progress.
(Latecomers may be admitted between pieces.)
6. Make an effort to discourage distracting audience behavior. Crying babies should
be taken out by their parents, paper planes should be confiscated, etc.!
Teachers Assisting up Front
1. Arrive at the theater 20 minutes prior to the recital time.
2. If students have special set-up requirements, make sure their teacher has
explained them to the stagehand.
3. Help students find their seats.
4. Glance through the program and check with students if you are unsure of the
pronunciation of their names.
5. Begin when all performers are present.
6. Check with the stagehands to find out if they are ready for the recital to begin before
going to the front of the room and greeting the audience.
7. Address the audience at the beginning:
• Request that everyone stay for the entire performance
(in emergencies only leave between pieces).
• Point out the exits in the front and the back of the house for use in emergencies. (The teacher up front acts as the house manager and should have a flash light in case of a power outage.)
• Remind the audience that they are not to take flash photographs during the performances but may do so afterwards.
• Announce that video cameras may be used, provided nobody’s view is obstructed.
• Request that the audience hold their applause until each student has played all of his/her pieces.
• Remind everyone to silence their phones.
8. Address the audience at the close of the concert:
• Thank the performers for their music and the audience for coming.
• Call each student by name to join you up front and receive a certificate.
• Request that students stay standing for a final round of applause and photographs.